to Nov 24



Vooral in Zuid-Europese landen kunnen we ze nog zien. De oude in het zwart geklede vrouwen die in de kerk hun zorgen, verdriet en gemis voorleggen aan Maria. Hierdoor voelen ze zich niet meer alleen, ze voelen zich gesterkt en begrepen.

Door de voortschrijdende wetenschap, technologie en de consumptiemaatschappij is de godsdienst grotendeels verloren gegaan. Een groot deel van de moderne mens voelt zich ongemakkelijk op een plek van verering, niet meer gesteund. We kunnen het verlies van deze functie zien als een groot gemis. Waar vinden nu de eenzamen en veronachtzaamden hun troost? Hoe vullen we nu de leegte die ontstaan is door het verlies van Maria?

Het is alsof we de weerspiegeling hiervan terug is te zien in de teloorgang van kerkelijke devotionalia. Het is alsof het meedogende hart van Maria niet meer wordt gevoeld en gezien. Maria is ontluisterd en zij huilt.

Deze expositie is deel van de overzichtstentoonstelling [GENIOUS] van Witte Rook.
Meer info vind je hier: https://witterook.nu/agenda/insert-genious-exhibition-title-here/

De expositie opening is op 22 november om 19:30 en zal te bezoeken zijn op 23 en 24 November van 13:00 tot 17:00

Ook zal ik op zondag 24 november een praatje houden over het werk.

Bent u benieuwd maar niet in de gelegenheid om te komen, dan is er op mijn website een deel van de expositie te zien. Na 24 november zal de gehele tentoonstelling te zien zijn op;

Ook zal er na afloop een digitaal overzicht zijn.

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Artroute Open Stal
to Aug 26

Artroute Open Stal


Because we are attached to what we experience in the present, we are experiencing the loss of what we know as something bad or terrible. We soon lose sight of the other processes that take place. But when the old one is about to perish, a new situation is created. And vice versa, if we only focus on the future, we forget the beauty of what is going on now.


These new, natural situations, where no human influence has yet been exercised, are characterized by a serenity of tranquility and an irrepressible beauty.

This project focuses on a disaster area where the decline occurs at high speed and with a lot of tragedy: the earthquakes in Groningen.

Egbert's work at Open Stal wants to show us to avoid forgetting the foundation of the new world in the Groningen earthquake area and that there is beauty in the tragedy of an earthquake, the fire of those involved and the process.

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Artist Residency at Witte Rook.
to Jul 30

Artist Residency at Witte Rook.

In July I start with a work period at WKNDX, an experimental program of Witte Rook. In a working period of two weeks, young artists are challenged to deepen their research that manifests itself in a presentation. This presentation is from 27 (7:30 PM) to 29 July.

The plan I am working on during WKNDX has both a social and a cultural relevance. It is an investigation into (small) places in the urban landscape that nature has taken over. The urban noise has fallen away in these places and an almost meditative silence has arisen where visitors no longer have to deal with the daily hustle and bustle of our lives.

I want to investigate these quiet places, can people experience this silence when they are here and how can I best present this experience in an artful way? I want to convey the experience of these places to my audience. To really bring them into contact with the silent message of these places.

The social relevance of this project is about the so-called decay of the city. The places that I consider to be of potential high value are often places that people walk past carelessly or with contempt. What do we do with these places? We can pull our noses up for it and put another shiny new building there, but we can also give these places a new function. A function in which the cultural relevance becomes clear.

We have been in a hurry all our lives. Everything has to be done quickly and it has to be finished yesterday. We are no longer present in the moment and our gaze is focused on better and more, which we can not now have by definition. Because of this forward-looking attitude, we are no longer in contact with our environment, our fellow human beings and ourselves. Through this project I want to draw people into the present, show that there is always a process going on but that our perception is on the now that determines how we live. If you manage to settle on these quiet spots, you may also experience some more rest in your daily life.

As soon as more is known about the details of the exhibition, I will post it here. This will probably be halfway through the work period. The picture is part of a study in preparation for the residency.

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